Mosalah Mosalah

corona virus

corona virus

corona virus

After greeting and appreciation to dear readers, talk today
With you about Corona Corona virus
The catastrophe we are experiencing is the worst disaster in modern history that all of humanity is going through
There is no difference between a continent and another, a developed country, a belated country, or a billionaire and a poor person, that this virus leaves no one behind
There is no research on the Corona virus scientifically valid yet

However, initially, we can conclude from our information the following

First, I must not converge with any person with a distance of no less than one and a half or two meters
Secondly, to wear gloves with a hand and a muzzle. What is meant by a muzzle is not a medical mask. This mask does not help in any way, but we must use a specialized mask.
Third, we must take care of personal hygiene by washing hands and face permanently
Fourth, while abroad, we should not touch the mouth and eyes, as they are the first cause of disease acquisition.
Fifth: Not to approach a person who is nominated or coughing. It is through the World Health Organization
Corona The Ministry of Health we learned that the Corona virus has the ability to be stained with stool for a period that lasts more than 4 hours
That is why we are all directed to stay at home as much as possible

Corona virus symptoms

High temperature.
Sore throat and pharyngitis
Inability to breathe
He lost his sense of taste and smell
If you encounter any of these problems, dear reader, you should immediately go to the nearest hospital to conduct a comprehensive medical examination under the supervision of a specialist doctor.
And there is another question

Who is the age group to which the injury occurs most.

After reverting to the rate of injuries, it is certain for us that the group that is more than 60 years old for more than more is definitely vulnerable to the disease, undoubtedly, and the matter is getting worse. Instructions and settle at home by one hundred percent.
This age group is between forty sixty and this is less likely, but the percentage is also high.
It has been proven from deaths that the Corona virus infects people who are healthy and within a short period of time they will be dead.
We are facing a ghost that does not yet have a clear treatment or vaccine, and we must exercise all caution, brothers and sisters

There is an important question

Corona virus symptoms in camels
Medicine and research on the Corona virus in particular has not yet been able to find any accurate information, but in large measure we must always be careful and avoid mixing with animals, including also dogs and cats.
The world is in front of a real nightmare. In front of a difficult test. Only all we must do now is caution and then caution.
An important thing is to raise immunity in the body through stimulating foods and drinks to increase immunity.
Congratulations, dear reader, we know the importance of the thought of this blog since we started together to talk about proper nutrition and attention to health and how to maintain the level of the hormone insulin in the blood
Today, those with a strong immunity rate of ninety percent can, with following medical advice and advice, cross this catastrophe to safety.
We must take care of calmness and take into account the public interest of all. Today, every person can save a country and his family
And all mankind only by being at home, we must abide by the directives of governments from the imposition of a partial or complete ban to cross from this great crisis
I always ask God, the Most High, the Almighty, to protect humanity from all evil and to help us to pass through this crisis
Dear reader, we complete new information to protect against corona virus infection in the next article and how to prevent it
My greetings.


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