Mosalah Mosalah

How to increase immunity: basic rules and secrets

How to increase immunity: basic rules and secrets

How to increase immunity: basic rules and secrets

After greeting and appreciation to my dear readers

Today we are talking about the immune chain, today we need a lot of knowledge and learning to avoid corona virus

Immunity is an essential component of our success and health. If weakened, recurrent diseases cannot be avoided by various diseases in both childhood and adulthood. This is why you need to think about boosting the immune forces in the body before any problems arise. Let's see how to increase an adult's immunity at home, why health deteriorates and what are the worrying symptoms of low immune forces.

How the immune system works

Immunity in translation from the Latin language - "get rid of something." The human immune system is a complex mechanism that protects the body from various diseases, failures and disorders. It can be fungal, that is, when there is initial resistance to some kind of disease or negative external factor. There is also acquired immunity, which arises in the human life process and lasts for decades, sometimes forever.

Bacteria and viruses that enter the body once cause disease, changing our body at the cellular level. Now, after encountering the same enemy for the second time, development of special antibodies begins, which allows you to deal quickly and effectively with the disease. If immunity is obtained as a result of a disease, it is called active, and if by vaccination that contains parts of cells or weak bacteria, if you have measles or smallpox, then you will likely never encounter it in your life.

There are two other types of immunity:

 Specified and not specified. In the second case, the body releases immunoglobulin and interferon, which is used to combat any living organism, and in the first case, special substances are produced that can cope with a specific disease.

The immunity acts as a security system. He explores everything that enters the body from the outside world or who are inside. At the lowest alert, the battle begins with the intruder, that is, the virus, bacteria, fungi, or parasites that have caused mutations in cells. He does his best to neutralize it and remove it from the body. The immune system affects the entire human body at the cellular level and is provided by special organs and tissues:

mar bone marrow found in human bones and participates in the formation of blood.

 spleen, also responsible for the formation of blood and located in the abdominal cavity;

lodes of lymph nodes located at the intersection of lymph vessels, responding to any inflammatory and inflammatory processes;

The thymus, which is the main organ of the immune system, is located in the upper part of the chest.

The immune system is closely related to all other body systems. With its failures, the whole body suffers: an insufficient amount of blood is purified, toxins are removed, in addition to other harmful substances, disturbance in the gastrointestinal microflora, deterioration of nerve conduction and exchange of gases in the lungs. Good immunity does not allow one or another disease, and it greatly facilitates the course of the disease upon the first collision of the body with it.

Symptoms of immunity

The main symptoms of reduced defenses and the reason for finding the answer to the question,

How to boost adult immunity with folk remedies
And medications, the following symptoms may become:

frequent illness with colds and viral diseases, such as influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections (more than 4-6 times a year);

 overflow from the common cold to more serious diseases, for example, bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, tonsillitis;

appearance of rash, acne and ulcers on the body;

 longer than usual, pathology of various diseases;

Sleepiness, or conversely, difficulty falling asleep;

 fatigue and weakness that does not pass even after a good rest;

 exacerbation of previously unseen diseases, such as fungal skin lesions, herpes, the occurrence of papillomas and warts;

 problems with digestion and stool.

Muscle and joint pain.

unstable blood pressure.

the appearance of body temperature under apparent fever for no reason;

 headache.

ood bad mood, depression and even suicidal thoughts;

 Increased aggressiveness and irritation.

All these signs, which occurred individually or in combination, indicate that your immunity needs support.

General rules to strengthen the immune forces in the body

In no case should you self-medicate. The immune system is a complex mechanism that, if not properly interfered, can fail. It is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner. In some cases, following the general recommendations of the doctor is sufficient to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, but sometimes a comprehensive and specific study

Ways to increase immunity

A specialist in a number of tests and analyzes creates an immunomodulator, reflecting a variety of properties from blood, saliva and urine to cerebrospinal fluid analysis. But such a study does not always give results. It is useful for basic immune deficiency, HIV and AIDS, and cancer, as well as other diseases of an immune and autoimmune nature.

Dear readers, tomorrow, God willing, we will continue the rest of the discussion on immunity and its secrets

My greetings


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